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About Delta Whiskey


After 28 years on this great earth I think I’ve come close to figuring out what is essential and important in life.

Quite simply: I want to be the best wife I can for The Husband.  I want to support and encourage other military wives to live life to the fullest.

Born and raised in Kansas City, MO,  I hold dear to my Midwest conservative values and Christian upbringing.  My father and brother are both Marines who taught me at a young age the dedication and sacrifice needed to faithfully serve this country.  This life isn’t for everyone.

In January 2003 I married a blond haired, blue eyed man who turned my world upside down and continues to make my heart skip a beat.  The Husband wears a uniform for the United States Air Force.  I couldn’t be more supportive or proud of his dedication to this country.

Before I wed my lovely husband, I couldn’t cook at all.  In fact, I was such a horrid cook that I burned water on a consistent basis.  The problem?  I had this crazy June Cleaver image of what my life was going to be like as a married woman.  We would eat delicious homemade meals every night by candlelight, the house would be immaculate, the birds would chirp outside as we dined for hours over a bottle of wine.
Then reality hit.

I started fumbling my way through cookbooks on the second day I was a “Mrs” and never looked back.  We’ve never had a candlelit dinner and hardly ever enjoy a bottle of wine over dinner.  Such is life with a military man.

Since June Cleaver had to permanently PCS from my life, I’ve adapted to being a modern day June Cleaver.  That means making homemade healthy and delicious meals, keeping a super-organized home, and loving the few moments the Air Force allows me to share with my husband.

The Husband has been deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait during Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom I & II war campaigns.  I have waited patiently and lovingly for his return during each deployment.

Delta Whiskey is my nickname at home and on the flight line.  I “adopt” airmen and soldiers that are away from their families by having special dinners for them, counseling them on “women problems” (my personal favorite) and encouraging their careers.  Lovingly referred to as Da Wife by both the husband and various flight line personnel, DW in phonetic code is Delta Whiskey.

Contact me at:
deltawhiskey01 (at) gmail (dot) com
I love hearing from you!

Welcome Home my love!

15 Comments leave one →
  1. Trish permalink
    July 16, 2008 12:47

    I think you are an amazing person and a wonderful friend. I love you a ton!!! XOXO

  2. July 17, 2008 12:30

    Thanks, I love you too.

  3. October 20, 2008 11:55

    Cat, I’d never been to your blog before I joined up with OBG, but now that I’ve been through some of your posts… you inspire me. I want to be like you. (…Please don’t take that as a stalker-comment. (: ) Everything you’ve written resonates somewhere within me and my life. Thank you for sharing yourself with us.

    Looking forward to Round Four, and to reading more of your blog,
    a foodie from the boonies

  4. ~Cara~ permalink
    January 10, 2009 18:40

    This roads closed… That’s all I have to say. Luv ya

  5. January 27, 2009 14:57

    Love the cats and I am waiting for you to move to Dover AFB so we can cook and bake together!!

  6. March 25, 2009 13:59

    I just found your blog from the website. I am a navy wife and am looking to reading your blog 🙂

  7. April 21, 2009 13:14

    I’m new to this whole military life thing, and my man is in the Army, not the Air Force. But I know we are all part of a big crazy and disfunctional family.
    My beloved is currently on his second tour in Iraq – he’s a line medic. A dedicated one.
    He had a rough time, last time out to the Sandbox – and then we met (I’m a proud Soldier’s Angel, for over 8 years now – and that title took on a whole new meaning for him, and I) and this time around he has me!

    It’s been a hard road for us, and there’s still a lot of miles (or kilometres as we say here in South Africa!) to go until we are together, at last.

    Just discovered your blog, and befriended you on twitter. Love it. Thank you for sharing.

    I only have my online military community to fall back on, as there is nobody here where I live, that’s going through what I go through daily.
    But I am strong for my man, and that’s all that matters, right?

    Thanks again, for your insightful comments and posts, and your wonderful recipes. I hope to get a chance to try them out for him one day, when he and I are together. He promised (like a fool!) to “eat anything” that I cooked for him.
    Lucky for him, I’m actually a pretty good cook! I just hate the cleaning up afterwards!

    May your man stay safe, wherever he is.


  8. July 2, 2009 09:37

    What a fantastic bio! You broke it down for everyone who wants to get to know you better. Rock on!

  9. August 17, 2009 13:41

    I am truly sorry about your aunt. You and your family are in our prayers. God bless.


  10. August 17, 2009 13:49

    Thanks Brian. She was a sweetheart who lived as good a life as possible.

  11. Michelle permalink
    September 6, 2009 18:23

    I am glad I found this blog so I can get some of your recipes! You are a amazing sister and I treasure all the memories I have, I love you. Your blog makes me so proud of you and I love reading everything I miss in your life. I say that in a stalkerish way 🙂

  12. September 7, 2009 09:10

    Hah! Stalk away my dear. You’re a great sister too. Give me a call!

  13. September 7, 2009 09:10

    Hah! Stalk away my dear. You’re a great sister too. Give me a call!

  14. September 7, 2009 10:46

    I was born and raised in Dalhart .. I’m wondering who your father is. Loved your story and the pictures. Wold you care to share the name. I got your comments from my childhood friend who got it from her older brother who is military.

  15. September 30, 2009 23:00

    I ran across your blog reading another one. I’m new at being and AF wife and don’t have a clue about a lot of stuff. In a little over a month my husband & I’ll be moving from Kansas away from all our family and friends to Andrews AFB. It’s nice to “meet” other AF wives. =)

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